Tag - Fitness

4 Minute Read

Brazos River Park's pump track is the perfect spot to visit for a burst of adrenaline!

If you’re new to the Sugar Land area, you’re in for a treat when it comes to parks. If you could calculate the number of parks and other recreational facilities per capita, Sugar Land would surely be way above the national average. When you’re planning a visit, be sure to put a few of the parks on your list—you can wear yourself out or just sit back and relax, walk the trails or look to the skies for birds, enjoy a picnic or cruise on a canoe.

2 Minute Read

Set yourself a fitness goal and want to stay on track? No need to give up your objective while you’re on a little getaway in the “Sweetest City in Texas.” We’ve narrowed down a list of the best fitness places to squeeze in a sweat. Whether you want something relaxing like yoga, fast-paced kickboxing, or want an intense spin class, Sugar Land gyms and fitness studios have it all.