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Black History Month Celebration
- 198 Kempner Street
- Sugar Land, TX 77498
- Dates: February 15, 2025
- Location: Fort Bend Children's Discovery Center
- Phone: (832) 742-2800
- Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Price: $15 General | $14 Seniors (65+) | Members & Children under 1 Free
You're invited to celebrate the legacy and contributions of the African American community during February Black History Month!
Storytimes: TBA
When: At 11 am and 1 pm in Kidtropolis Town
ABIYOYO by Twanda's Theater on Wheels: Join Ms. Twanda as we compare and contrast African customs and traditions through this interactive performance. Come dramatize a folktale story about a boy who plays the ukulele, a dad and his magic wand, and a hungry giant named Abiyoyo. Particapants will learn how to be brave and have "courage".
When: Noon in Kidtropolis Town